Friday, 19 September 2014

BBM + apk For Android (double akun bbm)

BBM+ apk For Android (double bbm) - Kalian bisa mengapgrade bbm di android kalian dengan dua atau double bbm sekaligus dalam 1 hp. Ini sangat bagus bagi kalian yang memiliki bisnis dan membuat satu akun BBM Khusus buat menjalankan bisnis kalian dan ini langkah langkahnya :
2 Aplikasi BBM, Di 1 HP Android

Cara pasang 2 aplikasi BBM di Android dalam 1 HP
Mobile messaging is a top priority for Indonesian mobile users and BBM has long been the premium messaging brand. Mobile users want their conversations to be immediate, private and reliable, which makes BBM a great fit for our devices, said Janto Djojo, Chief Marketing Officer at EVERCOSS.

BBM is incredibly popular in Indonesia and since its availability on Android, its become the must have messaging app for our customers. We are therefore thrilled to be working with the BBM team at BlackBerry to preinstall BBM on our devices, making it easier than ever for our customers to get connected to BBM contacts and start chatting.

BBM is extremely popular in Africa and we know our customers will appreciate the ability to quickly access BBM on their TECNO devices and start connecting with friends and family.

BBM is now a central component of our Android-based smartphone platform offering, said Jason Liu, Marketing Director of TECNO GROUP.

We are pleased to announce that were working with the BBM team at BlackBerry to install BBM on the Android smartphones we bring to market.
Langsung aja  Download apk bbm+ lalu instal dan registrasi
DOWNLOAD Via Dropbox

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BBM + apk For Android (double akun bbm) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Anonymous


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